Tuesday, October 9, 2007

$30000 Needed right way!!!--Generocity and the world Happiness

to pay my bills. esp. my CREDIT card bills, I used to pay 5% interest, now they just raised my APR to 30%!!!! and I can't afford it, so I said, " Fuck it, I am going to pay it ALL off!"

They say, " Ask, you shall receive."

Being generous is NOT to lose
to lose to gain
to give to obtain

we should share everything on this planet....cause anything material/outside is ONLY a illusion, your inner happiness is the ONLY thing counts, your inner joy...

The Tao teach people to be generous and kind...loving and live in the widsom, in that way, you can gain more...both outside and inside...in that way, you will have your inner peace and happiness ( Isn't it our ULTIMATE GOAL??)

we should share everything on this planet, cause nobody actually owns nothing.

If you want to Gain More both financially or Non-financially. You MUST GIVE.
Giving means you have no fear; Giving means you're living in the peaceful and happy center of your HIGHER BEING, esp. for those who are in NEED.